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One of the benefits of drinking alcohol-free is the reduced number of calories per drink. With a clever switch from a traditional alcoholic glass of wine to an alcohol-free glass of wine, you could...
You've probably heard that red wine lowers blood pressure so what about non-alcoholic wine and the effect that might have on blood pressure? Read our review of the research and the evidence provided...
Best 5 Low Carb Non Alcoholic Wines – Perfect for the Keto Diet
An increasing number of people choosing to go alcohol free with a common reason being to improve their health, sometimes combing this with the Keto Diet. I've reviewed our range of non-alcoholic...
Everyone knows that wine is made from fermenting crushed grapes, so it would seem like a reasonable expectation that wine would be vegan. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Find out why only some...
Non-Alcoholic Wine vs Grape Juice – Understanding The Difference
We all know that wine starts life as grape juice and is then fermented to produce alcohol and turn it into wine. However, if non-alcoholic wine has no alcohol, it’s not a surprise that some people...